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Amazon Web Services (AWS) has been much a talk since more than a decade. The credit goes to technology giant Amazon. In 2006, Amazon started offering IT infrastructure services to business as Web-services. Which is commonly referred to as the “Cloud Computing” platform. In the early days of Amazon, they build infrastructure service to support their in-house E-Commerce portal .

十多年来, Amazon Web Services(AWS)一直是热门话题。 这归功于技术巨头亚马逊。 2006年,亚马逊开始为企业提供Web服务的IT基础架构服务。 通常称为“云计算”平台。 在亚马逊成立之初,他们建立基础设施服务来支持其内部电子商务门户网站 。

If you are not familiar with cloud computing then please read my post on “” to get an idea.

如果您不熟悉云计算,请阅读我在“ ”上的帖子以获取想法。

Amazon Web Service (AWS) is the game changer for the Cloud Computing world. One of the key benefits of using AWS is the opportunity to replace upfront infrastructure expenses with low variable costs that can scale with your business. Which gave life to start-ups, small and medium-sized business to try out their luck in the world of technology. And without worrying about infra changes in case of the need to respond quickly to changing business requirements.

Amazon Web Service(AWS)是云计算世界的游戏规则改变者。 使用AWS的主要好处之一是有机会以可以随您的业务扩展的低可变成本来代替前期基础架构费用。 这给了初创企业,中小型企业以生命,让他们在技术世界中尝试自己的运气。 并且无需担心基础架构变更,以防需要快速响应不断变化的业务需求。

什么是Amazon Web Services(AWS)? (What is Amazon Web Services (AWS)?)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform which offers a broad set of cloud-based infrastructure service and products. Including compute power, database, storage, networking, developer tools, management tools, security, IoT, and application service. All of this including much more is available in seconds with a click of a button. AWS does the tedious job of installation, configuration, availability, scalability, and network setup in back.

Amazon Web Services(AWS)是一个云计算平台,提供了广泛的基于云的基础架构服务和产品。 包括计算能力,数据库,存储,网络,开发人员工具,管理工具,安全性,物联网和应用程序服务。 只需单击按钮,几秒钟内即可使用所有这些功能,包括更多功能。 AWS进行了繁琐的安装,配置,可用性,可伸缩性和网络设置工作。

Amazon Web Service (AWS) also offers pay-as-you-go pricing. You only pay for the service that you use and how much you use. So, you don’t pay extra when your system is idle or not being used.

Amazon Web Service(AWS)还提供按需付费的定价。 您只需要为使用的服务和使用多少付费。 因此,当系统空闲或未使用时,您无需支付额外费用。

Amazon has over 140 AWS service available that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses worldwide. Amazon Web Service (AWS) are being used and available in 190 countries around the world and growing every day. Today, Amazon Web Service (AWS) is the pioneer of cloud computing without a doubt.

亚马逊拥有140多种AWS服务,可为全球数十万企业提供支持。 Amazon Web Service(AWS)在全球190个国家中正在使用和可用,并且每天都在增长。 如今,毫无疑问,Amazon Web Service(AWS)是云计算的先驱。

如何创建一个帐户? (How to create an account?)

To get started with Amazon Web Service (AWS), you would need to create an account first.

Here are the simple steps to create and activate an account:

要开始使用Amazon Web Service(AWS),您需要首先创建一个帐户。


AWS Create Account

AWS Create Account


创建帐号 (Create Account)

  1. Go the and click on Sign Up.

    转到 ,然后单击注册。
  2. Enter the requested information and continue.

  3. Choose type of account i.e. Personal Or Professional.
    Note: There is no difference in the functionality of accounts, they are identical.

  4. Add personal/company information.

  5. Read the and check the box.

    阅读《 并选中该框。
  6. Press create account and continue button.


You will receive an confirmation email from AWS that your account has been created. You can login now but you must continue with the activation of your account to use AWS service.

您将收到来自AWS的确认电子邮件,说明您的帐户已创建。 您可以立即登录,但必须继续激活帐户才能使用AWS服务。

添加付款方式 (Add a payment method)

  1. You will be requested to add the payment details like Credit card etc.

  2. Enter a new address or use existing and hit the Secure Submit button.

    输入新地址或使用现有地址,然后单击“ 安全提交”按钮。

验证您的电话号码 (Verify your phone number)

  1. Enter your phone number and make sure that the phone is reachable to you at the moment with incoming calls.

  2. Press call me now button and you will receive an automated call.

  3. Type the provided pin and let the process complete then continue.


选择支持计划 (Choose a Support plan)

  1. Choose a Support plan from one of the available plans, see .

    从可用计划中选择一个支持计划,请参阅 。
  2. You will be confirmed that your account has been activated.


Note: It takes a few minutes to get your account activated but in the worst case, AWS may take up to 24 hours. During this time you can ignore the “Complete Sign Up”.

注意:激活您的帐户需要几分钟,但是在最坏的情况下,AWS可能需要长达24小时。 在此期间,您可以忽略“完全注册”。

AWS免费套餐 (AWS Free Tier)

One of the exciting features for the users is the Amazon Web Service (AWS) free tier. Amazon provides free access of AWS for a year with limited resources which you can use.

对于用户而言,令人兴奋的功能之一是Amazon Web Service(AWS)免费套餐。 亚马逊提供一年有限的可用资源来免费访问AWS。

If you want to experience cloud computing or just want to play around then choose and use free services. But make sure that you use within the free limit.

如果您想体验云计算或只是想玩转,请选择并使用免费服务。 但是请确保您在免费限额内使用。

Note: AWS Free Tier includes 750 hours of Linux and Windows t2.micro instances each month for one year. To stay within the Free Tier, use only EC2 Micro instances. We will talk about EC2 instances in our next post.

注意: AWS Free Tier在一年中每月每月包含750个小时的Linux和Windows t2.micro实例。 要保留在免费套餐内,请仅使用EC2 Micro实例。 我们将在下一篇文章中讨论EC2实例。

Here are few of many free services:


Free Tier

Free Tier


Tip: If you are using the free tier then always check the service before use. Make sure that you check the billing dashboard regularly daily/weekly.

提示:如果您使用的是免费套餐,请务必在使用前检查该服务。 确保您每天/每周定期检查结算信息中心。

You can create a free account here at ““.

您可以在此处的“ ”创建一个免费帐户。

AWS成本管理 (AWS Cost Management)

Amazon Web Service (AWS) cost management model is very flexible. You can predict the cost of your deployment before you actually do anything. As I mentioned earlier that AWS offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model so you only pay for the service you use.

Amazon Web Service(AWS)成本管理模型非常灵活。 在实际执行任何操作之前,您可以预测部署成本。 正如我之前提到的,AWS提供按需付费的定价模型,因此您只需为使用的服务付费。

Amazon Web Services(AWS) provides tools to help you to access, organize, understand, control, and optimize your AWS costs and usage.

Amazon Web Services(AWS)提供了可帮助您访问,组织,理解,控制和优化AWS成本和使用率的工具。

费用计算器 (Cost Calculator)

Amazon provides the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator. You can use the TCO calculator to get an idea of the cost of your deployment or services that you are going to use. You can also compare the cost of running your applications in an on-premises or colocation environment to AWS.

亚马逊提供了总拥有成本(TCO)计算器 。 您可以使用TCO计算器来了解您将要使用的部署或服务的成本。 您还可以将在本地或托管环境中运行应用程序的成本与AWS进行比较。

Cost Calculator

Cost Calculator


Check the total cost of ownership with the .

使用检查总拥有 。

计费仪表板 (Billing Dashboard)

On AWS billing dashboard you can view spend summary and the status of your month-to-date AWS bill. You can also check the specific service for how much you used and charged.

在AWS计费仪表板上,您可以查看支出摘要以及当月AWS账单的状态。 您还可以检查特定服务的使用和收费情况。

You will see three things on your spend summary dashboard:


  1. Last Month – Bill your last month.

  2. Month-to-date – Current balance as of now but final bill will come on the last day of the month.

  3. Forecast – Based on your current use and previous months uses AWS forecast the next month bill for you.

Spend Summary

Spend Summary


On Month-to-date dashboard you will see the list of service order by its usage and cost. This helps you know to manage the usage of your services.

每月最新的仪表板上,您将看到按用途和成本分类的服务订单列表。 这可以帮助您了解管理服务的使用情况。

Month To Date

Month To Date


Click to see your . Note: Please make sure that you have created an account and logged in.

点击查看您的“ 。 注意:请确保您已创建一个帐户并登录。

AWS管理控制台 (AWS management Console)

AWS Management Console is a secured web interface to use the services. You can access and manage Amazon Web Services through its web-based user interface.

AWS管理控制台是使用服务的安全Web界面。 您可以通过基于Web的用户界面访问和管理Amazon Web Services。

你可以做什么? (What you can do?)

  1. Administer your account

  2. Find services

  3. View all available services

  4. Pin Service for shortcuts


Access to the AWS Management Console requires an existing account. If you have created your account and logged in then .

访问AWS管理控制台需要一个现有帐户。 如果您已创建帐户并登录,请 。

Note: If you not able to access the AWS management console then please check the below things:


  1. You have an existing account

  2. Account has been activated from AWS

  3. Check the support browsers and platform.


支持的浏览器和平台 (Supported browsers and platforms)

Below is the list of supported browsers and platforms to access the AWS management console.


Supported Browsers

Supported Browsers


AWS提供什么服务? (What services AWS offers?)

Amazon Web Service(AWS) offers more than 140 services. We will talk about a few frequently used of them. In a common application use case, you usually need the Compute power, database, storage, developer tools and networking service to connect services to each other. Further, you may need analytics, monitor etc. to know the health of your system.

Amazon Web Service(AWS)提供140多种服务 。 我们将讨论一些常用的方法。 在常见的应用程序用例中,通常需要Compute功能,数据库,存储,开发人员工具和网络服务才能将服务彼此连接。 此外,您可能需要分析,监视等信息才能了解系统的运行状况。

计算服务 (Compute Services)

AWS offers a wide range of computing services. We will only talk about a few of many which are highly used services:

AWS提供了广泛的计算服务。 我们将只谈论一些高度使用的服务:

亚马逊EC2 (Amazon EC2)

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It’s secure and high on-demand scalability.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)是一项网络服务,可在云中提供可调整大小的计算能力。 它是安全的,具有很高的按需可伸缩性。

EC2 comes with many purchasing options like – 1) On-demand Instances 2) Reserved Instances 3) Spot Instances. You pay a very low rate for compute capacity you actually consume.

EC2带有许多购买选项,例如– 1)按需实例2)预留实例3)竞价型实例。 您为实际消耗的计算能力支付了非常低的费用。

AWS Lambda (AWS Lambda)

AWS lambda is a serverless deployment model. It lets you run your code in the required environment without provisioning the server. Lambda is one of the very famous compute service on AWS. Because you don’t need to take care of the infrastructure service and you pay only when your lambda function is running.

AWS lambda是无服务器部署模型。 它使您无需配置服务器即可在所需的环境中运行代码。 Lambda是AWS上非常著名的计算服务之一。 因为您不需要照顾基础架构服务,并且只在lambda函数运行时才需要付费。

Lambda is so smart that you can trigger this in the response of some events from the other services. For Ex: Image uploaded in S3.

Lambda非常聪明,您可以在其他服务的某些事件的响应中触发此事件。 例如:在S3中上传的图片。

亚马逊ECR (Amazon ECR)

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a Docker container registry. It provides an easy way to manage, store and deploy Docker (Docker Images).

Amazon Elastic Container Registry(ECR)是Docker容器注册表。 它提供了一种简单的方法来管理,存储和部署Docker(Docker映像)。

AWS Fargate (AWS Fargate)

AWS Fargate allows you to manage your Docker containers without managing the servers and clusters.

AWS Fargate允许您管理Docker容器,而无需管理服务器和集群。

数据库服务 (Database Services)

AWS offers several scalable database services in the cloud. One of its very famous database services is RDS, you may have heard the name of this.

AWS在云中提供了几种可扩展的数据库服务。 RDS是其非常著名的数据库服务之一,您可能听说过它的名称。

亚马逊RDS (Amazon RDS)

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is reliable, resizable and cost-efficient relational database service. RDS makes the database very easy to set up, manage and scale in the cloud.

Amazon Relational Database Service(RDS)是可靠,可调整大小且经济高效的关系数据库服务。 RDS使数据库非常易于在云中进行设置,管理和扩展。

RDS comes with familiar database engines – MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle Server, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and it’s own Amazon Aurora.

RDS带有熟悉的数据库引擎-MySQL,SQL Server,Oracle Server,MariaDB,PostgreSQL,以及它自己的Amazon Aurora

亚马逊极光 (Amazon Aurora)

Amazon Aurora is a relational database engine. It is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL relational databases. What makes it different from a traditional database engine is its speed.

Amazon Aurora是一个关系数据库引擎。 它与MySQL和PostgreSQL关系数据库兼容。 它与传统数据库引擎的不同之处在于它的速度。

As per AWS, Amazon Aurora is five times faster than MySQL and three times faster than the PostgreSQL. In addition to this Aurora provides automated database setup, patching, and backups.

根据AWS,Amazon Aurora比MySQL快五倍,比PostgreSQL快三倍。 除此以外,Aurora还提供自动化的数据库设置,修补和备份。

亚马逊ElastiCache (Amazon ElastiCache)

Amazon Elasticache web-service provide in-memory cache in the cloud. It supports two well known open source caching engines:

Amazon Elasticache Web服务在云中提供内存中缓存 。 它支持两个众所周知的开源缓存引擎:

  1. Redis

  2. Memcached


Both of the above are highly used caching engines and has a large community base.


仓储服务 (Storage Service)

Storage service is one of the basic services of cloud computing. AWS offers a wide range of service like EBS, S3, EFS, and FSx for windows. These services are designed to provide you with 99.9999% durability. As most of the Amazon Web Services, the storage service is also scalable.

存储服务是云计算的基本服务之一。 AWS为Windows提供了广泛的服务,例如EBS,S3,EFS和FSx。 这些服务旨在为您提供99.9999%的耐用性。 与大多数Amazon Web Services一样,存储服务也是可扩展的。

亚马逊EBS (Amazon EBS)

Amazon elastic block storage (EBS) provides persistent block storage to be used with Amazon EC2 instances. EBS provides low latency and consistent performance.

Amazon Elastic Block Storage(EBS)提供了永久性块存储,可用于Amazon EC2实例。 EBS提供了低延迟和一致的性能。

To protect from the component failure, Amazon EBS comes with auto replication of the volume in the availability zone.

为了防止组件故障,Amazon EBS随附了可用性区域中卷的自动复制。

亚马逊S3 (Amazon S3 )

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is an object storage service. It can store any amount of data and protect. S3 fits well in a wide range of use case such as backups, website data, images, files, enterprise applications, IoT devices etc.

Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3)是对象存储服务。 它可以存储任意数量的数据并进行保护。 S3非常适合各种用例,例如备份,网站数据,图像,文件,企业应用程序,IoT设备等。

You can organize your data into buckets as per your need. Amazon S3 is being used by millions of users worldwide.

您可以根据需要将数据组织到存储桶中。 全球数以百万计的用户正在使用Amazon S3。

适用于Windows的Amazon FSx (Amazon FSx for windows)

Amazon FSx for windows file server provides a native Microsoft Windows file system. It’s built on the windows server and fully managed to provide shared file storage. Amazon FSx provides features and compatibility that your windows based system can rely on.

适用于Windows的Amazon FSx文件服务器提供了本机Microsoft Windows文件系统。 它建立在Windows服务器上,并经过完全管理以提供共享文件存储。 Amazon FSx提供基于Windows的系统可以依赖的功能和兼容性。

内容交付与网络 (Content Delivery & Networking)

It’s a very advanced service which requires expertise in networking to understand. The good thing is that AWS provides the user interface to do the setup which is very abstract and easy to use. If you have an elementary knowledge of networking then you can use these services.

这是一项非常高级的服务,需要了解网络方面的专业知识。 好消息是,AWS提供了用于进行设置的用户界面,该界面非常抽象且易于使用。 如果您具有网络基础知识,则可以使用这些服务。

亚马逊CloudFront (Amazon CloudFront)

Amazon CloudFront is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) service. It can deliver content with very low latency and high transfer speed.

Amazon CloudFront是一项内容交付网络(CDN)服务。 它可以以极低的延迟和高传输速度交付内容。

亚马逊VPC (Amazon VPC)

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) gives you the flexibility to provision logically isolated section of the AWS cloud. You can configure and launch your AWS resources within the virtual network you define.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)使您可以灵活地配置AWS云中逻辑上隔离的部分。 您可以在定义的虚拟网络中配置和启动您的AWS资源。

You can create your own IP address ranges, subnets (public and private), route table, and network gateways etc. You have complete control over your virtual networking environment.


亚马逊Route53 (Amazon Route53)

Amazon Router53 is a Domain Name Service (DNS) which is highly available and scalable. You can register a domain and manage them, it will automatically configure the DNS settings.

Amazon Router53是一个域名服务(DNS) ,具有高可用性和可扩展性。 您可以注册域并进行管理,它将自动配置DNS设置。

It’s also being highly used by the other Amazon services to connect the infrastructure running on AWS – like Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, Amazon S3 buckets, or EC2 instances.

其他Amazon服务也广泛使用它来连接在AWS上运行的基础架构,例如Elastic Load Balancing负载均衡器,Amazon S3存储桶或EC2实例。

Amazon API网关 (Amazon API Gateway )

With the Amazon API gateway, you can create API with few clicks in Amazon Management console and make then available for the outside world.

借助Amazon API网关,您只需单击几下即可在Amazon Management Console中创建API,然后将其提供给外界。

Amazon API gateway makes it very easy to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. You can do almost all tasks that you do with traditional API gateways like authorization, authentication, request throttling, monitor, filtering and version management.

Amazon API网关使任何规模的API的创建,发布,维护,监控和保护变得非常容易。 您几乎可以完成使用传统API网关的所有任务,例如授权,身份验证,请求限制,监视,过滤和版本管理。

亚马逊ELB (Amazon ELB)

Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) manages and distribute the incoming traffic amongst multiple targets in AWS. It is auto-scaled, highly available and robust to make your application fault tolerant.

Amazon Elastic Load Balancer(ELB)在AWS的多个目标之间管理和分配传入流量。 它具有自动缩放,高可用性和强健性,可以使您的应用程序具有容错能力。

Amazon provides are three types of Elastic Load Balancer:


  1. Application Load Balancer

  2. Network Load Balancer

  3. Classic Load Balancer


AWS的竞争对手 (Competitors of AWS)

As I use to say that AWS made Cloud Computing so popular among the providers that most of the technology companies in America seems to be selling cloud computing.


Cloud Computing is one of the fastest growing business in the world of Internet technologies. There are several cloud computing platforms available but Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most used cloud platform.

云计算是互联网技术领域增长最快的业务之一。 有几种可用的云计算平台,但是Amazon Web Services(AWS)是最常用的云平台。

Here is the list of top five competitors of AWS (the list is based on the provider reputation, # of users and popularity over the internet:





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